Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 8, 2011
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BOSWELL. Mr. Chair, I rise in support of H.R. 1633, the Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act.

As a farmer, and an original cosponsor of this legislation, I appreciate the opportunity to this discuss this bill and speak in support of its common sense approach to rural dust regulations.

I have traveled the rural parts of my district and I have farmed my own fields. I know that when I'm harvesting my crops in the combine that I'm going to stir up some dust. Whether I am planting, tiling, or transferring crop to the grain bin, I cannot control the fact that there will be dust.

A one size fits all approach to regulating particulate matter, does not take into consideration that there are many sources of dust.

This legislation allows the flexibility for our states and municipalities to manage dust in rural areas, so that local residents and workers can determine which types may be harmful, and what is simply the result of hardworking Americans of doing their jobs.

Our farmers, ranchers, and rural business leaders are facing the same economic uncertainties as the rest of the country and they cannot afford additional, costly regulations on dust.

Particularly, those producers who are in areas where natural disasters have created new challenges for tilling soil that has been harmed by drought, fire and flood. For these individuals, many of the challenges remain unknown. Additional regulations will only increase their burdens and limit their ability to return to their job and contribute to the economy of rural America.

I know that Administrator Jackson has stated that the agency plans to maintain current standards. I thank her for that. I appreciate her intention to work with Congress and our farmers and ranchers.

However, her statement alone does not protect the farm operations across our nation and it does not prevent this body from legislating on behalf of our producers.

This legislation provides the protections needed for rural Americans to continue to do their day to day work without the threat of new regulation interfering with their mission to grow safe, plentiful, and affordable food for our nation.

We all have a vested interest to ensure that farmers and ranchers can provide for their families and all Americans.

I encourage my colleagues to support his legislation.

